I understand that it's your sister and we as women have a "family is duty" mentality, but you're an adult and your sister is an adult and you have to let go of that.

You should have the freedom to care for yourself too. You already voiced your concerns and if your sister doesn't respect that then it is fine not to go.

You prioritize yourself, especially when it comes to not enjoying drugs/alcohol, if they don't respect you being clean, then you should NOT respect them being into those things.

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I agree with the comment below 100%. You shouldn't feel obligated to participate in anything that makes you uncomfortable especially when it comes to partying and substances. I personally think you should discuss with her a compromise. Maybe suggest to join in for part of the event and say that you are unable to commit for the whole trip. For example, maybe you can go to the daytime events and not the night time events or only come for the day on Saturday or Sunday instead of the whole weekend. Another idea is to talk to your sister to do a one-on-one bachelorette with her. something fun but that doesn't involve partying such as a nice high tea and shopping spree during the day or whatever low key thing your sister is into. Also, I don't know about you but I am at the age where I am already getting ready for bed at 9pm let alone going out partying.

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Dear Kris,

Your are absolutely NOT WRONG. A B S O L U T E L Y.

I would say that you are obligated to care for your health, and as you describe it, going to a drink-fest would be directly injurious to your health.

Not only is it your right to prioritize your health, it is your obligation.

Please be assured and encouraged to prioritize your well-being and enjoy the festivities as is best for you.

No real friend would try to push you to do otherwise.

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